We are excited to announce that we have recently been successful in securing a grant from Postcode Neighbourhood Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Our organisation has received £25000 from the Trust to support us to deliver our core activities for one year.
Find out more about Postcode Neighbourhood Trust & People's Postcode Lottery.

Our core activities include:
Mini Makers, our early years arts programme for children under 5 and their families
Young Makers, our Bronze Arts Award programme for young people aged 11-14
Young Producers, our Silver Arts Award programme for young people aged 14-17
Artists in Schools, our artist-in-residence programme with primary and high schools
Our open-access Community Workshop, which makes facilities such as a kiln and laser cutter available to the community

Louise Robson, Creative Director of Wigan STEAM says,
“This grant means we can continue to focus on what is most important - our community. With many people still recovering from the effects of the pandemic and now having to cope with the cost of living crisis, it’s important that we can continue to offer our events at a subsidised rate so that those who would benefit most can take part. This grant will enable us to continue doing so.
We are so appreciative of this support from Postcode Neighbourhood Trust. Over the last two years our organisation has overcome many challenges, including a premises move. Despite these challenges we have really grown as an organisation, making more meaningful and wider impacts than ever and reaching those who benefit most from creative and cultural activity. This funding will support us to continue on this trajectory, putting our community first and ensuring that creativity and culture are accessible for all in Wigan & Leigh.”
