On Friday we had an emotional day as we said goodbye to two members of the Everyday team, Louise and Steph.

Louise has been with Everyday for 7 years, 3 of which have been as Creative Director. During Louise’s time with Everyday, she has developed the organisation across the board - from working with participants directly through delivering workshops and projects, to taking on a strategic role and fundraising, she has made a lasting impact on Wigan’s cultural landscape, as well as many members of our local community.
During her time at Everyday, Louise has driven the growth of Everyday’s extremely successful youth programme, which now provides a pipeline for young creatives aged 11-25 to access creative opportunities and move into employment in creative careers.
Louise has also prioritised supporting local creatives to access paid work, both through employed and freelance roles - most recently she has led an ACE funded artist development programme ‘Taking Shape’, the legacy of which we hope will continue long into the future.
Louise’s biggest achievement within the role has been her approach to transforming the organisation’s strategy and vision, and the following rebrand which cemented Everyday as a vital participatory arts organisation within the region.
Louise said:

“Everyday (or Wigan STEAM, as it was until 2023) has been a big part of my life for the last seven years.
From coordinating our engagement programme and supporting artists to exhibit work, to learning to fundraise and developing a whole new strategy and brand for the organisation, I’ve enjoyed the experience massively.
I’m so proud of everything that we’ve achieved as a team, particularly during my time as Creative Director over the last three years. One of the joys of this job is witnessing the journey that people go on as they discover their creativity, and knowing that I’ve played a tiny part in making that happen. It’s been so meaningful to be able to do a job like this in my hometown, which is something I never would’ve dreamt of when I was a teenager!
I will miss the team and our community members a great deal, but I will be back as a participant from time to time, and will enjoy seeing what the next phase of Everyday has in store.”

Steph has been such an integral part of the team since joining in 2021, planning and executing projects and liaising with countless artists and freelancers. The biggest element of Steph’s role has been running our Youth Programme, providing young people with the opportunity to gain their Discover, Bronze and Silver Arts Award through planning a variety of creative workshops that have been enriching for those taking part. Steph has also played a huge part in Everyday securing funding by collecting vital evaluation from our participants, evidencing how important the work is that we do here at Everyday.
Some words from Steph:
"I've been the Creative Project Coordinator for nearly three years at Everyday. I have had the pleasure of working with so many lovely participants and artists on projects that will always stay with me, from projects taking place right in the centre of Wigan to being able to explore the beautiful green spaces of the borough.
Everyday has given me the time, care and space to learn and grow within my career and professional development. I have learnt so much and I will always be forever grateful.
So thank you to Everyday and all the amazing people I have had the pleasure of working with - Wigan has become a second home for me, so thank you for welcoming me in with open arms!
But this is not good bye forever, I definitely will be popping in from time to time.
I'm one of Everyday's biggest cheerleaders and definitely still want to be apart of the exciting creative buzz taking place in Wigan!"
It's safe to say, they have both made a huge impact on Everyday and we will miss them both so much! Join us in sending them both love and luck as they embark on the next stage of their careers. In the next few days we will be introducing you to a new member of the Everyday team - keep an eye out!